The Nature of our Faith

Heb 11:1-2 – Now faith is the substance (assurance) of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction) of things not seen, For by it the elders obtained a good report (were justified). 

Faith has always been what justifies men before God, in the old covenant and in the new. Faithful men of old had great confidence in God and are remembered because of the mighty deeds they did as a result of their faith and trust in God. God led them and they followed *because* their faith in Him was strong and they knew they could trust him *if* they followed his precepts and walked in his ways. We might be tempted to say, “Well my faith is strong and immovable in Christ!, I’m just having trouble walking in obedience and in godliness because of the weakness of my flesh, but at least there is no problem with my faith!” But in reality, if we are having trouble walking in godliness, the root of the problem IS precisely our faith and the lack thereof. Faith and conviction drive our behavior, attitude and actions…you cannot separate them.

That is why Heb 11 goes on and lists in great detail all of the deeds the faithful men of old did BECAUSE of their strong and immovable faith in God, it was their Faith that drove their unwavering trust AND obedience…..and their mighty works. Matthew Henry’s commentary puts it this way: “Faith was the principle of their holy obedience, remarkable services, and patient sufferings”. There is great pressure today to try and separate and compartmentalize our faith and behavior as if the two exist as separate entities within us and operate independently from each other, they do not. When we are told in 2 Cor 3:5 to examine and “test” ourselves to see if we are in the faith, what measure are we supposed to use? What aspect of our lives gets the scrutiny? It is precisely our behavior, attitude and actions that we examine to determine if they demonstrate a good example of a person who is walking by faith. If we find those aspects lacking in our lives, then we go to God in humility and prayerfully ask Him to show us why and where we are lacking in the necessary faith to trust His leading and walk in consistent obedience to His precepts.

Christians often wonder how their faith will hold up when the “real” persecution comes, when our faith is “really” tested, but I think our faith is tested every day. Our demeanor, attitudes and behavior *in all things* are they Christlike? Do we *daily* fix our eyes on Jesus and let our character be molded by His inward work? Do we *daily* walk in righteousness, resisting temptation and walk in the Spirit? Do we *daily* put on the Lord Jesus and make no provision for the flesh? If we can’t do that now, then we are right to be concerned. If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan? (Jer 12:5). But If we can learn to walk with Him victoriously in the day to day, then we have no need to fear and will be prepared and seasoned when the bigger trials come.

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