The trial of OUR Faith

1 Pet 1:7 – That the trial of YOUR faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

The thing that distinguishes a believer from a nonbeliever is the exercise of faith, OUR faith. The thing that keeps the believer secure and anchored in Christ is the ongoing exercise of faith, OUR faith. There is a misguided notion in modern day Christian teaching and theology that the Christian is kept secure by the “faith of Jesus” and that it is no longer dependent on the believer’s ongoing exercise of their own faith. The idea is that it’s “Jesus” faith that holds us and that we should just “trust” in that and not be too concerned about our own exercise of faith. Yet, as the title verse declares, it is the trial of OUR faith that, when proven, brings praise, honour and glory to Christ. It is not Jesus’ faith that is on trial here, it is OUR faith. Jesus’ faith does not need to be tried, it is already fixed and proven, it is OUR faith that needs to be tried and proven. That is what life in Christ is all about, after we are saved and redeemed, the trial begins. 

It’s not just a mind game either, in the sense that as long as we continue to “profess” faith in Jesus we are fine, it is an intense trial by fire that refines and proves us for our remaining days on earth. Will we continue to faithfully follow Jesus, walking in the Spirit as His disciples no matter the trial or temptations that come? Or will our faith falter and fail when it’s put to the test. Will we resist to the point of shedding blood, striving against sin? Or will we fail when we face temptation and give in to the flesh. That’s the trial of OUR faith, and it’s proven, not in empty professions of “Jesus”, but in our actions and behavior in all righteousness, godliness and holy conduct. Our profession of Christianity means nothing if it is not backed up and demonstrated by how we conduct our lives in the day to day. Do we live like the world and just do whatever we feel like? Or are we intensely committed and focused on walking in a manner pleasing to God at ALL times and in ALL situations. That’s the exercise and demonstration of OUR faith.

Too often professing Christians fail in the face of these trials and just give in to their fleshly temptations, excusing themselves from the exercise of their faith by saying things like “Well, I’m only human you know and it’s Jesus’ faith that I’m trusting in anyway….so whatever”. It’s a tragic declaration of defeat and one that will not pass in the day of judgment. Is it easy? No. Is it necessary for us as children of God? Absolutely…..It is the broad, easy road that leads to destruction, it is the narrow, difficult road that leads to life everlasting. 

Luke 13:23-24 – Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

The purpose of our redemption is not to secure free tickets to heaven with no ongoing conditions, but to prepare a people for Himself. A people whose faith has been tried through the fire and have been proven faithful. A people who live faithfully as Gods children and whose godly conduct and behavior bring praise, honour and glory to Christ.



