
Links to Articles: (most recent first)

Faith without Works is Dead (Pinned)

The Trial of OUR Faith (Latest)

Lordship Salvation

The Lord watches over the Righteous

God’s Law is Perfect

I will never forsake thee?

The fallacy of “carnal” Christianity

Unless the Lord builds the house

Walk as Children of Light

Nothing hidden, nothing secret

Romans 7 – Rhetorical, not confessional

If we walk in the Light

God’s Love, in Judgment

Escaping Corruption

Living Godly in Christ Jesus

Growing in Grace

Go on unto Perfection

Make Disciples

Making light of Sin

We must run the race, to obtain the prize

Hearing from the Spirit

Seeking with a Whole Heart

Perfecting Holiness, in the Fear of God

Daily Devotion is the Key

Be NOT Deceived

He who began a good work in you?

The Word of God in Power

Guard your Heart

The Nature of our Faith

Dry Seasons?

The Church, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth

Harden not your hearts

The Path to Everlasting Life

To Him who Overcomes

Laboring for God’s Acceptance

Don’t let your love for God grow cold

Declaring the Gospel to Believers

Are we supposed to be Perfect?